How We Work

Our Training Centres

School of Ministries(SOM) establishes training centres with key church leaders with whom we have connected and built relationships, and who have invited us to come and run SOM training schools in their area. These leaders will have strong connections with local churches and we aim to have attendees from various church affiliations and denominations. Our centres are located where they can be accessible to a good number of leaders who are in need of training.

Running Courses

Our modules of teaching are part of our Leadership and Biblical Studies syllabus. We adapt our programme to suit the local situation. Our training schools can last from a few days up to a month. Some centres also run weekly sessions on Saturdays..

Each module has approximately 10 hours of teaching, and we normally cover 2 modules in 3 to 5 days.

The numbers attending can vary from 25 to 200.

Student Notes are provided for all attendees.

The teaching is carried out by UK and local SOM teachers, and will include group work and individual assignments. 

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Certificates and Diplomas

SOM awards certificates on the completion of each module. When the student has completed all six modules they are awarded a certificate in ‘Leadership and Biblical Studies’.


Prayer is a high priority for School of Ministries. Our prayer coordinator is part of the wider Support Team and organises our monthly prayer gatherings and online prayer group.